Using advanced power components with Ultra-fast switching to ensure precise control of the arc to give outstanding weld quality on all materials and in all applications.
APT+ improves the efficiency of the power components reducing wasted heat by up to 50% and delivers long-term reliability.
APT+ uses high speed communication to ensure perfect synchronisation between wire feeding and welding power levels even when using long cable sets.

APT+ Pulse Panel
Provides a full range of programs covering all materials and common gas mixtures. It also includes APT Deep, APT Pipe, APT Root Gap, APT Cold Pass and brazing programs. Offers the specialist fabricator an extensive range of programs that will enhance weld quality and reduce production time. Depending on the model up to 300 specific JOBs are available, ideally suited to users performing specialist fabrication work, positional welding and specialist materials.

Compare APT+ Machines
APT+ 220C
Compact 200A Pulse MIG Inverter Power Source Machine

Air Cooled Machine with XP8 MIG Torch
Air Cooled Machine Mounted on TR010 Trolley and includes XP8 MIG Torch (APT+M220C-P1E)
APT+ 353C
Compact 350A Pulse MIG Inverter Power Source Machine

Machine with Water Cooler Unit Mounted on TR010 Trolley
Air Cooled Machine Mounted on TR010 Trolley and includes XP8 MIG Torch (APT+M353C-P1)
Machine with Water Cooler Unit Mounted on TR010 Trolley and includes
PRO-Grip Max® MIG Torch
APT+ 403S
400A Pulse MIG Inverter Power Source Machine with Separate Wire Feeder Unit

Machine with Water Cooler Unit Mounted on TR011 Trolley
Air Cooled Machine Mounted on TR011 Trolley and includes XP8 MIG Torch (APT+M403S-P1)
Machine with Water Cooler Unit Mounted on TR011 Trolley and includes
PRO-Grip Max® MIG Torch
APT+ 503S
500A Pulse MIG Inverter Power Source Machine with Separate Wire Feeder Unit

Machine with Water Cooler Unit Mounted on TR011 Trolley
Air Cooled Machine Mounted on TR011 Trolley and includes XP8 MIG Torch (APT+M503S-P1)
Machine with Water Cooler Unit Mounted on TR011 Trolley and includes
PRO-Grip Max® MIG Torch